Saturday, March 10, 2007

Reachelle Smith Still Missing - 6/06/2006

Reachelle Smith Still Missing
Brent Somppi KMOT

The search for missing Minot girl Reachelle Smith has almost come to a standstill.

Over the weekend authorities searched four townships north of Minot by horseback and found nothing. No more searches of that magnitude are planned. The case is now in a lead driven format where police will look into any new probable leads. Police are asking rural residents to keep an eye out for anything.

Captain Al Hanson of the Minot Police Department says "If they`ve checked them once that`s fantastic, that`s what we`ve asked them to do - but we certainly ask them to maybe look again, we`ve done that a number of cases and the search areas in town looked one, two or three times over the same area and a fresh set of eyes after a few days doesn`t hurt anything."

Captain Hanson asks if you have any information on Reachelle please call the Minot Police Department at 852-0111

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